Sunday, May 26, 2013

All our bags are packed, we're ready to go...

Brace yourself, this will be kind of a fragmented post.  First and most excitingly:  we're packed!

Right now, I feel pretty prepared,  but I'm sure we've forgotten something.  Still, seeing the suitcases ready to go really makes me excited/nervous for the trip.  We fly out *tomorrow*!


Second, since I've gotten a bunch of questions as to how one goes about planning a trip like the one we're about to take, I thought I'd pass on a few helpful things I learned about/did:

- Rick Steves Europe site.  He has everything from tips on buying train tickets to packing lists.

- Using any old online map program where you can make custom maps.  I used Google Maps.  That way, you can map out all the destinations you're thinking about and see what's feasible.  I also recommend then mapping it onto a calendar to make sure that you have enough days for your destinations.

- TripIt.  This is useful to keep all your plans in one spot, with all those little confirmation numbers and things like that.  Apart from being free, the nicest bit is that you can just send your confirmation email from the airline or whatever directly to their website email, and the website will automatically import all of the details so you don't have to spend time putting them all in.

I'll update this section if I think of more things.


Third, update on phone coverage: since we'd likely have to buy a new SIM card for each new country (read: every few days), we probably will have only very occasional phone coverage.  We will try to make it possible for you guys to call for an emergency though.  Otherwise, we will be checking email at least daily (hopefully).

Fourth, and final: a gratuitous picture of Olive, our cat.  I'm going to miss her a lot.  Photo credit to Emily Garcia.

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